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Objectives and Scope

Subseco focuses on effective integration of a Quality Management System (QMS) within a project which can lead to continuing benefits long after project completion. Key elements of any effective QMS can include:

  • Provide assurance about consistency and reliability on the processes used;
  • Ensure compliance against relevant legislation and conformance with other project specific requirements and best practices;
  • Provide cost savings through reduced waste, rework, and lost resources;
  • Ensure ongoing satisfaction of the customer requirements;
  • Ensure ongoing market competition leading to fair market pricing and resource utilisation;
  • Less complaints from stakeholders; this includes internal and external stakeholders based on their project interest;
  • Reduced frustration and improvement internal and external workforce and streamlining of project.

It is important to base a QMS on the customer requirements and therefore it is critical to determine the exact objective of the client prior to the project starting. We utilise the SMART principles to determine project goals and the associated criteria. We ask our clients their needs and wants and develop a systems that is:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Relevant
  • Time-bound

To maintain the veracity of a QMS, the system must be constantly monitored, reviewed and improved. This cycle is critical preserving the effectiveness of the any quality management. To prevent stagnation of a QMS we feed in learnings garnered from the quality management process and make recommendations as to additional efficiency and improvements that can be made. This can also include streamlining and removing processes that are superfluous to effective operation.


Quality Assurance and Site Surveillance

We supervise all onsite activities to ensure all works are compliant to the relevant standards and specifications. We use internally developed checklists and process audits to record the project resources and utilisation. An essential part of this is daily on site inspections which record and report all works and ensure it is in compliance with the contract documentation and relevant specifications.

Testing Services

Subseco can arrange verification testing of any project procedure and process. This can include reviews as well as duplicate or independent testing. We can liaise with testing bodies to develop testing regimes custom to your project to verify the quality of the works.